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TRAINING FOR THE TRAINER (Certificate of Competence)

TRAINING FOR THE TRAINER ( Certificate of Competence )

Menara Kadin, Lt 24 Jakarta | 19-20 October 2010 | Rp 3.250.000 / peserta


Training For Trainer is a professional development program designed to equip professional trainers, team leaders & business facilitators with the knowledge & skills they need to analyze, plan, conduct, and evaluate dynamic & strategically linked high-impact training sessions.

Organizations often look to training and development as the panacea for organizational problems.  So much hope is expected from the results of training that when behaviors and performance do not change as expected, training department gets the blame, i.e., the performance gap does not change, learning did not get transferred to the job site, etc.

More daunting perhaps is the challenge of the unsupportive boss, i.e., when participants report that bosses will not appreciate and understand this new technique, or that they will not be allowed to practice what they learned.

It does sound paradoxical that while so much trust is given to training and development as an HR intervention, it also gets the first cut on the budget when crunch time comes.

This 2-day experiential workshop explores the dynamics & considerations of training management, development for delivering high-impact programs. This is a business impact-building program that matches interventions with performance gaps & standards.  The training & development function is a competency enhancement effort for facilitators-trainers of people development.

Who May Join:

  • Human Resource and Line Staff/Supervisors/Managers who are responsible for either or both management & development functions of HR.
  • Executives and managers of strategic business units, organization functions, and human resource development professionals and champions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Interpret and deliver right-on-time the strategic people competency requirements of the organization.
  2. Cultivate competence & confidence to manage, and conduct dynamic, memorable & highly effective training sessions that focus on the needs of the direct customers as well as, their stakeholders.
  3. Demonstrate high-level knowledge of learning principles & mechanisms applied to designing & facilitating high-performance training solutions.
  4. Conduct training which is fun, highly interactive & which maximizes the acquisition & retention of new skills & behaviors.
  5. Determine the value-added of training in relation to its contribution to the organization’s total competency.

Workplace Application

Learning of participants will equip them with competency to interpret and anticipate the training and development requirements of the organization relative to its strategic directions.

Participants will be able to develop salient partnerships with the stakeholders or real customers of training and development.  This will enable them to distinguish the appropriate intervention &/or solutions for either or both skills and motivational gaps of potential trainees.

A distinction between training and development interventions will be used to determine the most appropriate interventions according to the individual needs of participants and their stakeholders.  Thus Programs designed will bridge trainees’ actual performance gaps and expectations to enable them to deliver standards of exemplar behavior.

Program Topics:

MODULE I  Strategic Partnering with Operations and Line Managers

  • Collaboration with managers and executives in matching strategic training and development requirements of the business unit
  • Identification of competency-based development needs of the business & creation of opportunities for development of best company talents

    MODULE II  Identifying the Training & Development Gaps & Interventions that Will Produce the Organizational Results

    • Tuning in to the needs of the customer long after the program is run
    • Where is the gap coming from:  skill or will deficiency
    • Assessment of TNA results: Program’s best buy-in

      MODULE III  Designing the High Impact Training and Development Events

      • Matching the training content and techniques with the results of the needs assessment
      • Addressing the skills gap in the program objectives to support business results
      • Selecting and formulating the best training design

        MODULE IV  Transfer of  Learning: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

        • Setting up work processes and rewards to maintain action-learning
        • Transferring and maintaining the results and benefits of training through continuous learning processes like mentoring & coaching; on-the-job training
        • Facilitating mutual assessment and feedback to continue building the future

          Program Coordinator

          Mr. Pungki Purnadi, HR practitioner with engineering background. Certified Human Resources Management from overseas university and experienced as HR professional in several industries in almost 19 years with national and international coverage, member of several HR organizations and the former chairman Indonesia Oil & Gas Training & Development Organization (KKSD).

          Investment Fee:

          Rp 3.250.000 / peserta

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