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The Human Resources Auditor (Certified Competence Training)

The Human Resources Auditor (Certified Competence Training)
Pusdiklat  Bulog Lt 4, Jakarta | 27 – 29 Juli 2015 | Rp. 9.000.000,- / peserta    
Malang | 05 – 07 Oktober 2015 | Investasi pada proposal


The human resource audit is a systematic assessment of the organization’s HR policies and practices (Spognardi, 1997). It can focus on such matters as (1) how well the HR department’s present purpose and strategy support those of the organization, (2) how well the department’s structure enhances its ability to function, and (3) how well staffing and policies of the department are compatible with its purpose in the organization.

The human resource (HR) auditor analyzes the Human Resources department in the organization to pinpoint its existing strengths and weaknesses, and there are indeed weaknesses. Serious mistakes are quite costly to the company, so a comprehensive audit is imperative.

The results of an HR audit can be compared with predictions about conditions inside and outside the organization.Together, this information will provide the basis for the future selection of a strategic plan for HR

The Objective Training Program

  • To help human resource department heads and internal auditors conduct more thorough, expedient and valuable human resource audits.
  • The audit process you will learn and/or we will complete reviews the alignment of the organization’s strategic objectives with HR functions, practices, policies and procedures and assesses to what degree “continuous improvement” is likely.
  • Enhance your understanding of the human resources function and emerging issues.
  • Sharpen your awareness of client expectations, key business risks, and control best practices.
  • Learn how to audit several complex activities.
  • Benchmark your internal audit approach and supporting tools and techniques.
  • Create a foundation for increasing the effectiveness of your audit strategies and delivering value-added results.

Training Program Syllabus

1st Day: What’s HR Audit : Concept and Methodology

  • What Does the HR Auditor Do?
  • How Is the HR Audit Conducted?
  • A Simplified Model of the HR Auditing Process
  • Deciding tentative Audit Plan.
  • Selecting People to Assist with the Audit
  • Collecting Background Information
  • The Generic Models of HR Department Activities
  • Designing HR Audit Plan

2nd Day : Collecting Audit Information

  • Model for Diagnosing HR Discrepancies
  • Questionnaire and Web Based data Collecting Process
  • Focused Group techniques for audit
  • Focused Interview for HR Audit
  • Document Analysis and Fact findings.

3rd Day: Compiling Result and Reporting

  • Quantitative Analysis : Importance and Competence Multi Dimensional Analysis
  • Developing A Summary of HR Department Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Stakeholder Analysis for an HR Audit
  • Using Content Analysis
  • Simulation Diagnosis Worksheet for an HR Audit : Organizational Capability  and HR Audit Function
  • Simulation of Interview Guide for Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the HR Department
  • Using Interview to Collect Information about Critical Incidents Pertinent to HR Department Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Examination (open book with 60 multiple choice questions)

Training Leader :

Iwan Panggabean, M.Psy

Iwan Panggabean menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung pada tahun 1990, dengan pendalaman pada Psikologi Klinis.   Karirnya dalam bidang manajemen SDM dimulai pada tahun 1987 sebagai Personnel & GA Manager di sebuah perusahaan kimia di Bandung.  Pada tahun 1990, Iwan Panggabean mengubah haluan karirnya dari seorang praktisi menjadi seorang konsultan manajemen SDM dengan bergabung pada Delloitte Touche Tohmatsu International, Jakarta.  Dalam lingkungan internasional ini, Iwan Panggabean menangani berbagai penugasan di bidang konsultasi manjemen SDM di berbagai perusahaan, seperti perusahaan penerbangan, pelayaran, industri perkayuan, dan kimia. Iwan Panggabean juga adalah seorang trainer yang andal. Iwan Panggabean mengembangkan dan menyampaikan berbagai topik pelatihan di bidang manajemen, pengembangan pribadi, pembentukan kelompok bagi berbagai perusahaan.



Investment Fee:
Rp 9.000.000 /peserta

Kumpulan Full Toolkit & Buku Portfolio HR Audit senilai US $ 760,- (Rp 7.250.000,-) sebanyak 12 buku (bila terpisah senilai US $ 145,- / buah)

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