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The Chief Learning Officer Certification

The Chief Learning Officer Certification
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4, Jakarta | 27 – 28 Agustus 2015 | Rp. 4.500.000
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4, Jakarta | 08 – 09 Oktober 2015 | Rp. 4.500.000
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4, Jakarta | 02 – 03 Desember 2015 | Rp. 4.500.000




New business realities and customer demands, coupled with new technologies in a changing competitive landscape are causing corporate learning departments to rethink their value, role, and impact in the organization. Added to this changing environment is an increasing level of business uncertainty that causes managers to question the investment in learning.   They are focusing increased attention on trying to understand the value of learning and deciding the appropriate level of investment. In a world of limited resources and tight budgets, learning must be viewed as essential to a successful achievement of business goals. The individual driving this function, the chief learning officer (CLO), is in a unique position to add significant value to the organization.

A critical role of the CLO is to drive value, focusing on issues such as business alignment, managing resources, innovation, return on investment (ROI), and customer service. The challenge is to show value to the organization in terms that business leaders and other stakeholders can understand and appreciate. Written from the perspective of the CLO, this workshop discusses nine important value-adding strategies that make up this critical role of the CLO of the future:

  • Show how the learning and development function is an important part of strategy (and often significantly influences strategy).
  • Invest heavily in learning and development and have a mechanism to show the value of this investment.
  • Take extreme measures to ensure that programs are linked to the business and that they are addressing business issues routinely.
  • Recognize the shift to performance. Many go beyond the traditional learning solutions to provide a variety of non learning solutions.
  • Focus on delivering learning, at the right time and at the right place, efficiently.
  • Manage the function effectively and efficiently, understand the costs, work within budgets, and essentially run the learning enterprise like a business.
  • Show the success of major programs, demonstrate value, and communicate value to a variety of stakeholders ensuring that senior executives and stakeholders understand the value of learning and development.
  • Recognize that talent management is an important responsibility, and manage it, often from the recruiting process to managing retention.
  • Secure tremendous support from executives and, in most cases, the CEO. Make them involved and committed and have them serve as role models.

Workshop Syllabus Chief Learning Officer

1st Day

  • The Chief Learning Officer: Trends and Issues, The Evolution of the CLO, Current Status of the CLO, Challenges in Learning.
  • Developing the Strategy,  The Importance of Linking Learning to Strategy,

Strategic Planning Model.

  • Setting the Investment Level,  Invest the Minimum, Invest with the Rest, Invest Until It Hurts,Invest as Long as There Is a Payoff.
  • Aligning the Learning Enterprise with Business Needs,  It Is About the Business, The Challenge,  Status of Needs Assessment, Needs Assessment Tactics.
  • Shifting to Performance Improvement: Learning Is Not Always the Answer,Major Influences,  Performance Improvement Issues,

2nd Day

  • Creating Value-Based Delivery, Why the Shift?,Use of Technology, Alternative Delivery Systems,
  • Managing for Value,  The Budgeting Process, Monitoring and Controlling Costs, Exploring the Profit Center Concept, Managing Suppliers for Value.
  • Demonstrating Value from the Learning Enterprise, Including ROI,  Trends and Issues, The Learning Value Chain, A Comprehensive Evaluation Process, Branding the Learning and Development Enterprise.
  • Managing Talent for Value,  Talent Management Issues, Why Talent Is Critical to Success, Needed: A System for Talent Management, Planning for Talent, Acquiring Talent, Developing Talent, Managing Talent, Retaining Talent.
  • Developing Productive Management Relationships, Improving Commitment for Learning,  Building Management Support, Increasing Reinforcement of Learning, Improving Management Involvement, Developing Partnerships with Managers.


Training Leader :

Heru Wiryanto.
Telah berkarir dibidang HR sejak tahun 1990 baik sebagai praktisi maupun sebagai konsultan dan trainer. Beliau telah menempuh pendidikan di Malaysia dan USA, dan sedang menyelesaikan program doktor di Universitas Indonesia. Sebagai praktisi, beliau mengawali karirnya sebagai HR Quality Improvement program Manager, kemudian menjadi Chief HR di industri manufacturing dan terakhir menjadi General Manager di sebuah group multinasional yang cukup ternama. Sejak tujuh tahun terakhir, beliau fokus menjadi consultant, public speaker dan dosen dengan cakupan kerja : Assessment Methodology, Compensation Management, Competency Based HRM, HR audit, Culture and Organization Diagnosys, Change Management.Sertifikasi keahlian yang beliau miliki adalah Basic and Advance untuk Thomas International untuk PPA dan HJA system, International Certified Behavior Analyst, International Job Analyst, Level C qualification Test User Qualifying Process by American Psychologist A, Level C American Compensation Association,  Rasch and IRT Expert system.

Investment Fee:
Rp. 4.500.000,-  / person


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