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Lightning Protection Installation Standard The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Lightning Protection Installation Standard

The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta | October  21-22, 2011 | Rp 6.600.000,


Sekilas UL University :

UL University merupakan lembaga pelatihan dan sertifikasi internasional yang dibentuk oleh UL (Underwriters Laboratories) yang berkedudukan di Northbrook-IL-USA. Topik pelatihan UL University meliputi bidang-bidang seperti Alat Kesehatan, Software Kedokteran, Industrial Control Panels, NEC, Plastik, Fire Safety, Berbahaya Lokasi, OSHA, ITE dan banyak lagi. . Didirikan lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu, UL tetap berkomitmen untuk membantu Anda memenuhi kebutuhan pasar global penting untuk bisnis Anda, memberdayakan Anda untuk bereaksi lebih cepat terhadap perubahan kondisi pasar.
Materi pelatihan disampaikan langsung oleh expert dari UL dalam “Bahasa Inggris”, dan setelah anda menyelelesaikan pelatihan ini, maka berhak atas sertifikat internasional dari UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Northbrook-IL-USA


Workshop overview

In this two-day training, you will learn the key elements of UL 96A and its practical  application. You will also receive valuable insight on how UL 96A and NFPA 780 relate to each other. We will review the limitations of UL 96A in military applications and what is required when developing an inspection request for munitions applications. You will be provided with helpful calculation tools for determining a zone of protection and participate in critical discussions about this protection strategy.

Each participant will receive a classroom workbook and a copy of the UL 96A, the Standard for Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems.


Continuing Education Units

UL University has been reviewed and approved as an Authorized Provider of the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).


Learning outcomes

  1. Define the scope of the standard and its limitations
  2. Utilize geometric modeling
  3. Identify the rolling sphere modeling and calculations
  4. Determine component use
  5. Define bonding requirements
  6. Determine grounding termination requirements
  7. Complete the web application process
  8. Identify surge components and their relationship to the lightning protection system
  9. Understand the inspection staff Inspection Guidelines
  10. Explain the calculation tools


Workshop topics

  1. Scope of the UL 96A Standard and its limitations
  2. The use of geometric modeling
  3. Rolling sphere modeling and calculations
  4. Component use
  5. Bonding requirements
  6. Grounding termination requirements
  7. Web application process
  8. Surge components and there relationship to the lightning protection system
  9. Identification of surge components
  10. Review of the inspection staff instructions and inspection guidelines
  11. Explanation of the calculation tools
  12. Relationship between UL 96A and NFPA 780
  13. How UL 96A relates to Military types of inspections
  14. UL’s inspection and certification process


Who should attend

  • Lightning protection system designers and installers
  • Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs)
  • Project managers
  • Architects
  • Facilities managers


Private workshops

Private workshops offer a cost-effective solution for bringing expert instruction to you and your staff. If your organization plans to send five or more individuals to a public workshop, you may want to consider letting us come to you. Because these programs are private, we can tailor the content to suit your specific business needs


Waktu dan tempat:

  • Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta
  • October  21-22, 2011



  • IDR 6.600.000,-/peserta.


Participants for each class: 15-20

Available for In-house and Public Training



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