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Grand Kemang Hotel Jakarta | February 26th27th , 2009 | Rp. 7.000.000,-

Workshop, exercise and certification exam are  conducted  in English


This course is intended for HR professionals involved in the design, planning, and implementation of assessment centers. The program develops both the proficiency and understanding that would help the person running an assessment center more effectively. This program would equip the professionals with the skill and knowledge so that he/she is able to:

  • To enable participants to understand the  importance of running an assessment centre
  • To understand the practicalities and potential pitfalls of using an assessment centres
  • To appreciate assessment techniques and align them with organizational goals
  • To assist the participants to acquire practical skills in the design and planning of assessment and development centers
  • To develop skills required in observation and assessment while running an assessment center
  • To gain skills in competency analysis
  • To use frameworks and models to identify skills and competencies
  • To Design and implement effective multiple assessment procedures for selection and development

Target audience:

  1. Team Leaders, Supervisors, Managers, HRD professionals and anyone who assesses staff for recruitment or development.
  2. Who wish to develop an assessment centre from scratch
  3. For HR professionals looking to expand and improve existing centers.

Brief content:


Business case for Assessment Centre

  • What is an assessment centre
  • A historical perspective on assessment centre
  • Its Validity and reliability
  • Experiences of Indian Organizations with ACs and emerging global
  • Working out the cost benefit analysis
  • Strategic use of assessment centre
  • Potential uses of these centres


Creating role specification and Competency mapping

  • What is competency
  • What is competency mapping
  • Developing competency model
  • Defining the job needs: job analysis
  • What is job analysis
  • Why it is being conducted
  • Structure of a typical job analysis


Techniques and Tools

  • Defining the exercises
  • Methods on how to use them
  • Types of exercises
  • In-tray exercises
  • Written exercises
  • Case studies
  • Presentations
  • Group exercises
  • Focused discussions
  • Role-play
  • Analyzing potentials and
  • shortcomings of the exercises
  • Exercise design practice to
  • Evaluating the exercises


Building evaluation sheets and assessment matrix

  • Create evaluation forms for all exercises.
  • Practical experience designing an assessment matrix (to put together the most appropriate methodology for assessment purposes.)


Preparing and administration of assessment centre

  • Training assessors
    • Logistics of running an assessment centre
    • Create candidate & assessor timetables
    • Assessment centre documentation
  • To benchmark assessments to achieve fair comparisons of candidates
  • The role of feedback

    MODULE 6:

    Integrating AC with other systems and knowing good practice issues

    • Institutionalizing the AC process
    • Validation of Assessment Centers
    • Align assessment centers with organizational goals
    • good practice issues to be aware of
      • need for your own code/policy on the use of assessment
      • Good practice issues and resources

    MODULE 7

    Practical centre management

    Participants will be part of a ‘live’ conduct of an assessment centre, testing the exercises they have developed and practicing the skill of assessment with their course colleagues.


    Mr. Nitin Sanker

    B.E (Computer Science) – IIT (Roorkee – India); MBA (HR & Marketing) – IIM (Cal)


    • Over 17 years of experience in Training and Consulting in Asia, Bahrain, Thailand, UAE, Oman, Malaysia, Singapore and USA. Works with over 250 companies on Training and Process Design on Sales, Marketing, Customer Care, Human Resource.
    • He has helped many organizations in the usage of six sigma and process models like PCMM & ISO 9000 to improve their HR, marketing & customer care process. Conducted over 800 Corporate Training and Public Workshops
    • Some of the companies for which he had done Training and Consulting are Satyam, Cognizant, GE, Kolam, Gati, Infotech Enterprises, Dr. Reddy Labs , DHL, Motorola, AMP etc.,
    • Trained over 10,000 Professionals including companies like Deloitte, Central bank of Oman, Mphasis, Tesco, Aztech, Intelligroup Asia, Apollo, Polaris, TCS, Dell, Rane , Core objects, Nokia , P.D.O., UAE Exchange, Qatar Airways, RAK Bank, Blue Dart etc.,
    • He is certified by CAMI-USA and also City & Guilds -UK to conduct Programs. He has written extensively for publications like The Economic Times, Deccan Chronicle etc., he is on the Review board of one of India’s specialized HR magazines.
    • He also used to author a regular column called ‘lessons for the classroom’ which appeared in a popular magazine. He is a visiting faculty at IIM (C) and ISB.
    • He also trains fellow students and future management trainers at IIMT.
    • He is acknowledged as one of the best quizzers being a regional finalist on BBC’s Mastermind and a finalist on quiz time.  He has won over 50 national level quizzes.

    Dates of the program:

    February 26th-27th , 2009


    Wiva II

    Grand Kemang Hotel, Jl. Kemang Raya No.2, Jakarta

    Duration of the Program:

    02 Days

    Investment :

    Rp. 7.000.000,- pax for Workshop and Certification

    Conducted by

    Warta Training’s Partner  in Cooperation with Middle Earth Consultants India


    Our Partner is a fast growing provider for high quality training programs in Indonesia, in cooperation with Middle Earth Consultant India, a leading Corporate Training Company trusted by more than 350 Top Companies, Over 100 man years of experience, trained over 20,000 individuals at all levels inIndia, Dubai, Muscat, Colombo, Malaysia, Nigeria, U.S.A, and Indonesia . We provide training on various concepts like HR, Managerial & Leader Skills, Soft skills, Sales & Customer Care and Behavioral Skills. The training is conducted has Public and In-House Workshop. We also provide reputed Certifications, excellent pre and post training support using best of breed training practices. The Certification is International recognized byCarlton Advanced Management Institute, USA.

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    Few quotes form our participants

    Certified Recruitment Analyst, Jakarta 18-19 December 2006

    1. “It was a great program!, This program very help to know about the recruitment process and good inform and recommendation for follow up my job, very interested and good program” Arien E. Dwi Agustinin, HR Staffing & Training Cordinator.(BP Indonesia)
    2. “Fun class, nice batch, focused, can ask questions till satisfied, nice speaker, very good” Fie NA, Human Resources (PT. Trimegah Securities)
    3. “Very practical tips and tricks” Iris G. Bulkis, Human Resources Manager (UCB Indonesia)
    4. “Excellent! I’m happy join this workshop!” Anis M. Sensusri, HR Manager (Solvay Pharma Ina)
    5. “This program increase and develop my knowledge and skill for analysis recruitment and how to do be effective and efficient recruitment” Sylvia Napitupulu, Team Leader Cm-CRM Resource (PT. Excelcomindo Pratama).
    6. “Excellent trainer, excellent material, excellent information.” Lisa Andayani,Recruitment Senior Officer (AXA Mandiri).

    Certified Performance and Competence Developer, Jakarta 14-15 March 2007

    1. “Good, understandable presentation, activity based learning after lunch time” Fajar Fitrianto, HR Analyst (CNOOC SES Ltd)
    2. “Good and Clear” Edhy Rumekso, HRGA Manager (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia – KSEI)
    3. “This is the 1st program that helps to understand easily about skill & traits, comprehensive understanding, shows practical way to  implement” Tatiyana Syarif, Corporate Manager (PT Lautan Luas Tbk)
    4. “Insipired me to develop more about competency framework and performance management system, very good” Wida Ningrum, Human Resources (PT Smart Tbk)
    5. “It was great program and integrated course for Performance and Competence” Bambang Sujatmiko, T & D Coordinator (PT. SANTOS Indonesia).
    6. “Excellent!” Dr. Asiah Suroto Gunari, Director (RS. Duren Sawit).
    7. “This program is verry interested, Iam verry happy able to poin this program” Pitoyo – HR & GA Manager, PT. Panasonic Lighting Indonesia
    8. “Program is quite good, quit heavy but very useful if” Gogor Ugroseno – Manager Competency Development. PT. Exelcomindo Pratama Tbk
    9. “A new concept that can broadden my knowledge” Rahmad ramadhan – HR Tax & Accounting Manager, Lippo Bank

    Certified Assessment Center Analyst, Jakarta 7-8 May 2007

    1. ” Excellent” Asiah Suroto Gunari MD MSc – Director, Duren Sawit Hospital
    2. “This program is extremely useful in selecting and evaluating exercises, assessment matrix and evaluation formats, and skills required by an assessor” M Ichsan Arif – HR Manager, Bank Syariah Mandiri
    3. I think this program very good especiallyfor me as HR in Duren Sawit Hospital. I know ho to make Assessment center, so how became an assessor..” Nurpandi- HR    Manager, Duren Sawit Hospital
    4. Very interesting and very good!” Aprilia Djayanegara – Asst Mgr Training and Learning, Frisian Flag
    5. ” Very good and help and very good!” M. Ridwan – Psychologist & Coord. Mental Rehabilitation,  Duren Sawit Hospital
    6. ” Very good and help a lost “ Kriss Budi Utomo

    Certified Compensation And Benefits Manager, Jakarta 9-10 May 2007

    1. “Interesting and useful to applied in daily job” Rahmad Ramadhan – HR Tax & Accounting Manager – Lippo Bank
    2. “Very good program!.. The theory and application can be made as material for benchmarking in our company” Yugi Thusida – Departemen Head, PT. Smart Tbk
    3. This program is concise and clear. It covers all component of compensation, so that, as a new professional, I can get the big picture of Compensation system” Sutrisno – Supervisor, Compensation & HRIS – PT Badak NGL Plantside
    4. “This Program extremely useful for Compensation and Benefits Environment” Eddy Haristiani – Senior Staff HR & Org. Planning – PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II
    5. “It’s a good program, the instructure can explain and answer the question clearly” Gita Indriati – HR Staff,  PT Rajawali Nusantara  Indonesia

    Certified Balanced Scorecard Professional, Jakarta 23-24 July 2007

    1. This Program very helpful in buil my new mindset about Balanced Scorecard, and I hope through this program I can finished the assignment from my company to setting our planning to complementing Balanced Scorecard in 2008″ Hanifa Sutrisna – Staff Anggaran, PT. Angkasa Pura I
    2. ” Good program” Hirayanti – Training Departement, PT. Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia
    3. ” I can get benefit of this program to implement in company. I hope usefull” Jon Hendri, Staff, PT. Angkasa Pura I
    4. ” The program is very informative lively. Excellent participants. I was more informed this time round about Balanced Scorecard” Widya Kumara – Training Division, PT. Angkasa Pura
    5. ” Outstanding..Comprehensive understanding about Balanced    Scorecard” Fauzan Adi Wibowo – Executive & Director Staff, PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk
    6. ” This program is very good to my company” Prasetyo – Staff Pembendaharaan, PT. Angkasa Pura I
    7. ” Good for starting knowledge” Iris Purwandari – HR Manager, PT. Essence Indonesia International Flavour & Fragrances
    8. ” Iam very interesting, because give me more knowledge for about Balanced Scorecard ” Nani Rochaeni – Staff Pembendaharaan, PT.  Angkasa Pura I
    9. ” Very Good ” Riko Hendrawan – Riko Hendrawan, Staff HRD, PT.   Angkasa Pura I

    Certified Recruitment Analyst Batch-2, Jakarta 24-25 Oktober 2007

    1. “It was “Great” program and very practical tips” Puspita Sara Wardhani –  Recruitment Departement, PT. Excelcomindo Pratama
    2. “Verry Good” Nutria Meiradiani –  HR Manager, PT. Swisstime International
    3. “I felt satisfied after followed this workshop, because of all the materials are really conected with my daily tasks on my job description. I also learnt a lot of being good interviewer” Shandy  Agustina – HR Officer, PT. Bank Chinatrust Indonesia
    4. “Good, with addition materia such, personality, values of life” Guntoro –  Pengembangan Organisasi dan SDM, PT. Semen Gresik
    5. ” This program is a good learning to improve our capacity an recruitment prose, we can learnt from the mistake, we can see a lot of different thing that we belief it was good, actually its need to improve. Iwan Tarmizi – Oxfarm GB Banda Aceh
    6. “It’s good, makes me learn about process recruitment” Toty Virani – Recruitment Departement, PT. Excelcomindo Pratama

    Certified Recruitment Analyst Batch-3, Jakarta 30-31 February 2008

    1. ” Good Training, clear enough about topic adn more experience and knowlegde about recruitment” Cut Yulelfi – Recruitment, Save The Children Federation
    2. ” Good Enough” Albert JayadiCorporate HR Recruitment Head, PT. Wijaya Karya
    3. ” Complete and Enlightening” Raymond S. Banjanahor – HR System & Recruitment Manager, PT. Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk
    4. ” Good Training” Riama Eva Martha HutabaratRecruitment, Save The Children
    5. ” Great Program” Rahmah Hidayah – Recruitment Supervisor, PT. Hexindo Adhiperkasa Tbk
    6. ” A Good Program ” Rahmi Sukma – Recruitmen Departement, PT. Indonesia Power
    7. ” A Good Training ” Hilda Hilmiyanti – Recruitment Departement, PT. Indonesia Power

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