Ahli Kesehatan dan Keselamat Kerja Listrik (AK3 Listrik)
Estibuzi Setiabudi Building 2, Jakarta | 29 Maret – 1 April 2010 | 09.00-16.00 WIB | IDR 9.000.000,-
Ahli Kesehatan dan Keselamat Kerja Listrik (AK3 Listrik) |
Objective |
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan peserta diharapkan :
- Memahami peralatan listrik standard
- Memahami peraturan kelistrikan di Indonesia
- Memahmi sistem pengamanan pemakaian alat alat listrik
- Memahami bahaya akibat kesalahan sistem kelistrikan
- Memahami maintenance sistem kelistrikan
- Memahami penanggulangan bahaya terkait sistem
Course Contents |
- Introduction of Electrical safety system, Review of electrical (Low, medium, high voltage)
- Standard and satutory requirement, Indonesian Electricity acts and rules
- Electric cause of fire and explosion
- Safety in use of portables tools
- Rescue, first aids and Accident prevention
- Current Surges, Clearence and Insulation
- Electrostatic, Electromagnet, stored energy
- Electrical Hazards
- Predictive maintenance of electrical Equipment
- Maintenance of electrical equipment
- Safety of lightning
- Discharge rod and earthing device
- Grounding System
- Safety Management
Tanggal |
29 Maret – 1 April 2010 |
Jam |
09.00-16.00 WIB |
Tempat |
Estibuzi Setiabudi Building 2, Jl. Rasuna Said Kav 62, Jakarta |
Investment Fee |
IDR 9.000.000,- (Sembilan Juta Rupiah) |
Fasilitas Peserta |
Modul, sertifikat depnaker, CD, suvenir, coffee and lunch break |
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