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certified purchasing professional

Training Certified Purchasing Professional membahas strategi pembelian hingga penetapan standar etika dalam proses pembelian

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan | 21 – 23 November 2019 | Rp. 8,800,000,- 
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan | 16 – 18 December 2019 | Rp. 8,800,000,- 



Life in purchasing world is faced with ever growing issues and a very dynamic landscape. With increasing prices and cost of everything around the world, Purchasing Professionals held a key role in keeping operational cost low and is the frontline of quality control. To be competent Purchasing Professionals, one must be able to ride over the complexity of the issues of purchasing landscape.

For professionals attaining CPP Certification from PASAS has demonstrated his learning capacity, industry Best Practice knowledge, experience, and set competency needed to excel in the purchasing environment by meeting PASAS’ standard that are accepted by various Local and Multi-National Companies and will add value to their company. CPP Certification and other Supply Chain Certification by PASAS Singapore are recognised by various multi-national corporations and endorsed by European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS).

The benefits of CPP Certification:

  • Understand Purchasing strategies and Best Practice processes
  • Improve Purchasing Process effectiveness and efficiency
  • Establish the proper Purchasing Ethical standard for Purchasing Operation
  • Reduce Operational Cost

Why you preferred CPP Certification Center:

  • The ONLY Authorised PASAS Certifications Training Provider in Indonesia
  • Facilitated by certified and highlyqualified International and Local SCM Practitioner
  • Over 10 years in delivering SCM Certification program and training
  • Quality and Affordable program suitable for Indonesian Market

Who Should be CPP Certified

Purchasing, Procurement, and/or Supply Chain Managers, Business Owners, Purchasing/Procurement Operators

Certification Requirement:

A Bachelor Degree with min. 2 years of relevant experience.

CPP Certification Modules

  1. Purchasing Management
  2. Contract Management/ Strategic Negotiation
  3. Centralisation and Decentralisation of Purchasing
  4. Supplier Selection/ Quality Management
  5. Supplier Relationship Management
  6. Purchasing and SCM
  7. Globalisation
  8. Technology in Purchasing
  9. Internet of Things (IoT)

Training Facilitated by

  1. Habib Kassim, MBA – Executive Director, PASAS Singapore
  2. SM Syed Ali, MSc, CPL, ACTA– Regional Director, PASAS Singapore
  3. Dr.Zaroni, MSM, MSA, CISCP – Business Development Director, PT. PLI

(Training Delivery in Bilingual – Bahasa & English)


Training Schedule

  • 21 – 23 November 2019
  • 16 – 18 December 2019

CPP Certification Fees

Rp.8,800,000,- (Include Tax)



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